Contribution of past weather information to thunderstorms account in Cuba

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Lourdes Álvarez-Escudero
Israel Borrajero-Montejo
Yosvany García-Santos
Pedro Roura-Pérez
Yunisleydi Rodríguez-Díaz


Until the period ending in 2010, keraunic levels maps in Cuba were made taking into account only information from present weather code reports, due to the lack of information regarding past weather codes and the bias this could cause in the calculus of parameters. The aim of this work is to evaluate the contribution of past weather code reports to the number of storm observations and the yearly average of days with storms and compare these figures to those obtained with only present weather codes reports. As part of the work the most suitable period of time for the comparison is sought, present and past weather codes series are homogenized, from the point of view of information completeness, for 68 ground stations all over the Country and statistics such as the Pearson coefficient, the F test from Snedecor - Fisher to compare variances and Student T for means comparison are performed, as well as the trust interval for a simple linear regression. The analysis yields that the most optimum interval is 2005 - 2016 and that the use of past and present weather codes introduces a significant difference with regard to using only present weather codes registers in both the occurrence percent and the number of days with storms.


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Álvarez-EscuderoL., Borrajero-MontejoI., García-SantosY., Roura-PérezP., & Rodríguez-DíazY. (2020). Contribution of past weather information to thunderstorms account in Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(3). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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