ICCE: Software to calculate extreme clime change indicators

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Pedro Roura-Pérez
Vivian Sistachs-Vega
Dalia Diaz-Sistachs


Due to the constant difficulties that clime change has in daily living, it is necessary to create tools that provide a detailed study of the effects of these changes. The most important need is to establish a common ground to study clime change. The use of clime change indicators is one of the directions to achieve this common ground. These indicators show the behavior of what is considered by the experts as the major effects of clime change. Although, indicators on itself do not provide enough information since more often than not they constitute high volumes of data. To facilitate the study and comprehension of the indicators, a software was developed to automatize the part of the process of study of the indicators. The tools provided are, trend analysis and point of change trough non-parametric tests such as Kendall-Mann and Pettitt tests and the analysis of the return periods through the extreme values theory more specifically the generalized extreme values distribution. It is described a methodology focused on the use of these tools that will accommodate the work of the Institute of Meteorology experts.


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Roura-PérezP., Sistachs-VegaV., & Diaz-SistachsD. (2023). ICCE: Software to calculate extreme clime change indicators. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(2). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/775
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