Evaluation of the WRF as a tool to determine the performance of a photovoltaic system in clear sky conditions

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Flavia Gutiérrez Muiña
Alina Roig Rassi
Israel Borrajero Montejo
Bárbara Liz Miravet Sánchez


In photovoltaic systems the evaluation of the efficiency of the plant during long periods is considered of vital importance in order to optimize their performance and maximize their reliability. The impossibility of acquiring in Cuba instruments to measure the intensity of solar radiation to monitor the performance photovoltaic systems, as well as the limitations for their maintenance and calibration imposes the need to estimate it through the use numerical models. In the present work, an assessment of the WRF model is carried out as an alternative to determine the performance of photovoltaic facilities, based on the estimation of the intensity of solar radiation under clear sky conditions. The solar radiation intensity data measured during the month of March 2014 by a calibrated cell is taken as a reference. 5 samples with different conditions of proximity between the variables were used to obtain fitted dependencies between the intensity of solar radiation in the horizontal plane (EICelda) and accumulated downwelling clear sky shortwave flux at bottom (EIWRFCS). It was obtained that it is possible to use the WRF model as an alternative, taking into account that there is a difference between the hours of sunshine to be analyzed difference ≤ 150 Wh/m2.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez MuiñaF., Roig RassiA., Borrajero MontejoI., & Miravet SánchezB. L. (1). Evaluation of the WRF as a tool to determine the performance of a photovoltaic system in clear sky conditions. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(4). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/655
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