Climatic services en coastal zona of Cienfuegos province

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Endris Yoel Viera-González
Sinaí Barcia-Sardiñas


Today the Cienfuegos Meteorological Center as a local provider of climate services aims to have a greater impact on the productive and services sector through the information it generates. Undertaking this task in ecosystems vulnerable to climatic extremes such as coastal areas is undoubtedly pertinent due to the changes that are taking place in the climate. The objective of this work is to identify the needs and the state of knowledge about the climatic services of the different users of the coastal zone belonging to the southern circuit of the province of Cienfuegos. The survey was used as a fundamental technique for collecting information. It consisted of a questionnaire applied during February 2020 to various companies and entities located in the study area. The results indicate that, climate services and their implementation are considered aspects of great importance for the socio-economic and environmental development of the area and that there is potential to increase the use of meteorological and climate information, however its integration in the decision making is hindered by limitations such as lack of accessibility and problems with understanding. This study constitutes a first stage that provides the empirical base necessary to plan a next action by the meteorological service in the province regarding the needs of each user in the coastal area of the province.


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Viera-GonzálezE. Y., & Barcia-SardiñasS. (2020). Climatic services en coastal zona of Cienfuegos province. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(4). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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