State of Climate in Cuba 2017. Extended summary

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Cecilia Fonseca-Rivero
Milena Alpizar-Tirzo
Virgen Cutié-Cancino
Idelmis T. González-García
Marieta Hernández-Sosa
Nathalí Valderá-Figueredo
Dunia Hernández-González
Arletys Cabrera-Medina


This report provides a description of the state of the climate in Cuba in 2017 based on the behavior of certain climatic variables, as well as some factors that regulate the climate variability in the region, and its directly or indirectly influence on the climate from Cuba. The high temperatures recorded, mainly in the rainy season of the year, contributed to accentuate the tendency to increase the annual average temperature in Cuba, despite having classified this as the twelfth highest since 1951 with an increase of 0.53 ° C above of the average of the reference period 1961-1990. In correspondence, 13 new maximum temperature records were broken and the extreme warm conditions reached high values in several stations located mainly in the central and eastern regions of the country. On the other hand, the  rain was above the norm in the whole country constituting the fifth rainiest year of the last 57 years. This behavior was associated with accumulated rainfall reported in the central and eastern region of the country, which was the sixth and fifth rainiest year from 1961 to date, respectively. Relevant for the country was the affectation by  Hurricane Irma to several provinces of the national territory at the beginning of September with significant damages for the national economy.


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Fonseca-RiveroC., Alpizar-TirzoM., Cutié-CancinoV., González-GarcíaI. T., Hernández-SosaM., Valderá-FigueredoN., Hernández-GonzálezD., & Cabrera-MedinaA. (2018). State of Climate in Cuba 2017. Extended summary. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(2), 226-237. Retrieved from
Weather and Climate


BVC (2017): Boletín de la Vigilancia del Clima. Mes de Septiembre, 29 (9):19. Instituto de Meteorología. La Habana, Cuba.
Cubadebate (2017): Diez fallecidos en Cuba por impacto del huracán Irma [en línea]. Disponible en Consultado el 28 de febrero de 2018.
González, C. & E. Pila (2018): Breve resumen de la temporada invernal 2016-2017. Revista Cubana de Meteorología, 24(1):128-135.
INSMET (2017a): Resumen sinóptico Mensual, enero 2017 [en línea]. Disponible en: Consultado el 12 de enero de 2018.
INSMET (2017b): Resumen sinóptico Mensual, septiembre 2017 [en línea]. Disponible en Consultado el 12 de enero de 2018.
INSMET (2017c): Informe del Huracán Irma sobre Cuba [inédito]. Instituto de Meteorología. La Habana, Cuba, 15 p.

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