Assessment of meteor-tropic risk in a sample of hypertense cuban adults of both sexes

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Luis B. Lecha Estela
Luis Monteagudo Lima
Luis Sauchay Romero


The work is based on individual tests of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring carried out on 5,089 Cuban adults of both sexes, treated in the arterial hypertension consultation of the Provincial University Hospital Cardiocenter Ernesto “Che” Guevara of Villa Clara, between 2012 and 2016, in order to experimentally estimate their individual vulnerabilities and the danger associated with the meteorological conditions present during the tests. The estimation of the individual meteor-tropic risk was done applying the methodology for calculating disaster risk, used in Cuban studies of danger, vulnerability and risk. Individual vulnerabilities were assessed by the relationship between each patient's non-modifiable risk factors and the occurrence of anomalies during the ambulatory monitoring. Likewise, the occurrence of these anomalies was compared with the behavior of the existing weather conditions during the tests, to define the so-called “biotropic impact factor” as an index of the danger associated with each meteorological element. The evaluation of the individual meteor-tropic risk was reached, as a result of the product of the vulnerabilities and the individual hazards, being the average risk in men 15% higher than in the women of the sample and with very high individual maximums in some individuals of both sexes. The results are relevant for the practical application of biometeorological forecasts in the country's public health system.


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How to Cite
Lecha EstelaL. B., Monteagudo LimaL., & Sauchay RomeroL. (2024). Assessment of meteor-tropic risk in a sample of hypertense cuban adults of both sexes. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(3), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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