Preliminary comparison between sources of information on electrical discharges I: meteorological stations and ground sensors

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Lourdes Álvarez-Escudero
Anisbel León Marcos
Adrián Luis Ferrer Hernández


In the present work, a very preliminary comparison of the reports of electrical storms in Cuba determined from the records of the meteorological stations and those of the Earth-Network (EN) station installed in Casablanca, north of Havana province, is made. The EN records of ten days of the month of August 2018 and the present and past weather variables of 14 meteorological stations in the provinces of Havana, Artemisa, Mayabeque and west of Matanzas were used. For comparison, a truth criteria test was established. The discharge density values ​​ranged between 0.58 discharges per km2 with a maximum in Melena del Sur and 0.03 discharges per km2 for the Varadero station. The intensities register their highest values ​​in the stations with the lowest densities, thus the highest value is reached for the Varadero station (78328) with 16 kA and the lowest was reached for the Tapaste station with 10 kA. The afternoon hours are those that present the highest values ​​of density and average intensity of the discharges. The hits present an average for all the stations of 84%, reaching a value of 91.3% for the Santiago de la Vegas station where it is maximum.


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Álvarez-EscuderoL., León MarcosA., & Ferrer HernándezA. L. (1). Preliminary comparison between sources of information on electrical discharges I: meteorological stations and ground sensors. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(3). Retrieved from
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