Temperature climate extremes and their relationship with atmospheric teleconnection patterns during the winter

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Laura Gil-Reyes
Idelmis González-García
Dunia Hernández-González
Magela Álvarez-Guerrero


This investigation has as main objective to study the observed changes on temperature climate extremes from winter in the period 1981-2016 in western Cuba and to determine the influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on climate extremes. Temperature climate extremes were related to teleconnection patterns, which have great influence in the interannual and multiannual behavior of the Cuban climate. Statistical methods such as cluster analysis were used to study the variables, and principal component analysis was used to determine the influence of ENSO, AO and NAO on the climate extremes. As result, climate extreme indices reflected an increase in the warm days and warm nights, while less cold days and cold nights were found. In general, the results shown that if the teleconnection indexes increase, then cold events decrease and warm events increase. Besides, AO and NAO were the teleconnection patterns that better explain the observed variability.


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Gil-ReyesL., González-GarcíaI., Hernández-GonzálezD., & Álvarez-GuerreroM. (2020). Temperature climate extremes and their relationship with atmospheric teleconnection patterns during the winter. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(4). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/528
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