Methodology for climatic study of the coastal flooding in Cuba. Application in the north coast of central and East region

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Axel Hidalgo-Mayo
Ida Mitrani-Arenal
Wilber Ramírez-Espinos
Yadira Pérez-Calzada
Orlando Lázaro Córdova-García
Amaury Machado-Montes de Oca


This paper aims to develop a methodology that structures the climatic studies of coastal flooding in the Cuban archipelago, based on the sources of information available in Cuba and updated statistical methods used by the international scientific community. The methods used were the non-parametric tests of Spearman, Mann-Kendall and Pettitt, the distributions of Poisson and Gumbel, as well as the tests of goodness of fit χ2 and Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Cuban coastal weather stations were used as sources of information, as well as the archives of the Institute of Meteorology and the National Hurricane Center. As a result, the period of return of the maximum wind speed was obtained, for the probabilities of 10%, 4% and 2%, and of moderate and strong floods, as well as the statistical trend of the maximum annual wind and coastal flooding. It is concluded that the proposed methodology is based on the current state of international knowledge on this subject, while it corresponds to the sources of information and meteorological data available in Cuba. The methods used and the results obtained in this research are valid for the development of future investigations of this type, as well as their application in the disaster reduction plans and climate change adaptation policies that the Cuban State develops within the framework of the "Life Task".


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Hidalgo-MayoA., Mitrani-ArenalI., Ramírez-EspinosW., Pérez-CalzadaY., Córdova-GarcíaO. L., & Machado-Montes de OcaA. (2020). Methodology for climatic study of the coastal flooding in Cuba. Application in the north coast of central and East region. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(2). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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