Atmospheric emissions inventory from main fixed source of Cienfuegos city
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The quantitative determination of emissions of air pollutants by fixed sources in cities and their potential effects on the environment is a necessary and urgent study in an increasingly urbanized world. In the present work, the emissions inventory of the fixed sources of atmospheric pollution of the city of Cienfuegos is carried out. The methodologies corresponding to United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), European project CORINAIR and the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) are used, in addition to the application of the technological data guide for the inventory of emissions of atmospheric pollutants from industrial point sources, collected in Cuban Standard NO: 1049/2014. The modeling of SO2 and NO2 dispersion in the city of Cienfuegos is presented using the AERMOD software. The results show the emission to the atmosphere of more than 43 thousand tons of SO2; while for NO2 around 4 thousand tons are emitted per year. The largest emissions in the city come from the Oil Refinery, the Thermoelectric and the Main Generating Group (GEP) located within the urban area. The areas of the city most affected in terms of reception of pollutants are located around the GEP where the Maximum Acceptable Concentrations are exceeded at annual resolution. The results obtained constitute a valuable tool for the environmental management of the city.
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