Nimbus: Weather Forecast Verification System. Results of its application in Hydrometeorological Unit

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Nathalí Valderá Figueredo
Angel L. Sánchez Pérez


In this work, a system for the verification of the weather forecasts shows up (Nimbus). In its develop­ment was necessary, in the first instance, normalize the terminology to use in the forecasts broadcasted by the specialists of this entity, in addition to define regions and periods of forecast, as well as the data that took in account to accomplish the verification. For the implementation of the system was used Java as programming language and PostgreSQL as da­tabase management system. Among the most dis­tinctive features of Nimbus are the friendly graphic interface, the capacity of adapting oneself to almost any type of forecasts and to the wide range of sta­tistical analysis that allows the use of a database. To validate the results of the evaluation process, the predicted value for each weather variable was com­pared against observations in real time, the process was also made by hand, the results coincided in both cases. The application of this system in the Hydro­meteorological Unit shows a notable improvement in the effectiveness of the forecasts broadcast by the specialists of this center, which becomes evident when compares the reached results between January and October of the year 2014 in relation to similar period of 2013.


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How to Cite
Valderá FigueredoN., & Sánchez PérezA. L. (2018). Nimbus: Weather Forecast Verification System. Results of its application in Hydrometeorological Unit. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 21(2), 43-56. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Nathalí Valderá Figueredo, Instituto de Meteorología

Lic., Centro Nacional de Pronósticos

Angel L. Sánchez Pérez, Instituto de Meteorología

Ing., Centro Nacional de Pronósticos


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