“Favorable weather conditions for sargassum arrivals in Cuba“

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Amanda Menchaca Rodríguez
Javier Bolufé Torres
Rosemary López Lee
Alejandro Rodríguez Pupo


Sargassum arrivals constitute one of the most seen problems in recent times on the coasts of various countries. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of wind and the types of synoptic situations (TSS) on sargassum arrivals for the rainy and dry periods. The influence of the Types of Synoptic Situations (TSS) on sargassum arrivals was evaluated, the TSS database was updated for the period from July 2021 to June 2022 for the western half and the eastern half of the island. The Chi-Square statistical test of independence was carried out to determine the influence of the TSS on the arrivals of sargassum to the coasts of Cuba. The arrivals of the highest category of sargassum were found under the influence of the Extended Flow of the Azores Anticyclone. Bermuda (TSS II) for the southern coast of both halves (western and eastern) and the Migratory Continental Anticyclone for the northern western coast. A study was carried out of the days prior to the largest arrivals of sargassum. As a result, on the northern coast of the western region, they are characterized by moderate winds from the First and Fourth Quadrants, mainly of the northern component, and on the southern coast, the large winds were recorded. arrivals under different components and speeds.


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How to Cite
Menchaca RodríguezA., Bolufé Torres J., López LeeR., & Rodríguez Pupo A. (2025). “Favorable weather conditions for sargassum arrivals in Cuba“. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 31(1), https://cu-id.com/2377/v31n1e11. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/936
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