Characterization of cells that generate Severe Local Storms in the Cuban archipelago through radar observations

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Alis Varela de la Rosa
Rafael T. Valdés Alberto
Elier Pila Fariñas


The conditions for the formation and development of convective storms are very complex, and even more those producing severe events such as hail, downburst, tornadoes or waterspouts, making difficult to find common radar features that are usual on them. One of the best tools for this is meteorological radar, as it allows data to be provided within storms almost instantly. Based on this, this research is carried out, aiming to characterize the cells that generate Severe Local Storms in the Cuban archipelago through radar observations. Were analyzed 630 storms associated with severe events that occurred in Cuba between 2010 and 2021, through radar observations obtained from the Cuban network. The radar variables maximum reflectivity, maximum top of the convective cells, height of maximum reflectivity and the maximum height of reflectivity of 45 dBZ are analyzed. The results showed that 98.6% of the maximum reflectivity values in the storms exceeded 45 dBZ, and that 99.7% of the cases analyzed exceeded 8 km in height from their peaks, which demonstrates the intensity that characterizes Severe Local Storms in Cuba under a tropical and insular environment.


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Varela de la RosaA., Valdés AlbertoR. T., & Pila FariñasE. (2025). Characterization of cells that generate Severe Local Storms in the Cuban archipelago through radar observations. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 31(1), Retrieved from
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WMO Bulletin Vol. XV, No. 1 – January 1966

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