Experimental determination of the performance loss of a photovoltaic panel due to deposited particulate material.

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Alina Roig Rassi
Ariel Rodríguez Rosales
Josué Benavides Esteva
Anita Rodríguez Roig


Atmospheric particulate matter deposited on the surfaces of solar panels decreases their electricity production by reducing the transmission of solar energy to the photovoltaic cells. The performance of the photovoltaic panel (or module) refers to the actual efficiency once installed and takes into account factors such as dirt (deposited particulate matter), climate, orientation, temperature, etc. The objective of this work is to experimentally determine the loss of performance of photovoltaic panels due to deposited particulate material. The normalized current-voltage (IU) curve was carried out on four monocrystalline silicon half-cell panels, exposed for 8 and 13 months, in dirty conditions and after cleaning them. In all cases, the particulate material was recognized for its subsequent mass determination and elemental characterization. The main preliminary results obtained were: linear dependence relationship, with negative slope and R2 = 0.9672, between the performance loss and the mass per unit area of ​​the powder deposited on the panel and for an average deposited mass of 0.46 g/ m2, the performance of the panels studied is reduced by around 1.7% where, if the manufacturer's efficiency reference value of 19.85% is taken as 100%, this means an 8.5% reduction in its generation due to material contamination. deposited particulate. The increase in maximum power (PM), short circuit current (Isc) and open circuit voltage (Voc) will be observed in all cases after cleaning the panel.


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How to Cite
Roig RassiA., Rodríguez RosalesA., Benavides EstevaJ., & Rodríguez RoigA. (2025). Experimental determination of the performance loss of a photovoltaic panel due to deposited particulate material. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 31(1), https://cu-id.com/2377/v31n1e08. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/928
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