Spatial distribution of precipitation in Cienfuegos province

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Sinaí Barcia Sardiñas
Dianelly Gómez Díaz
Lennis Beatriz Fuentes Roque
Endris Yoel Viera González
Leonardo Mejías Seibanes
Raquel Alejandra Angulo Romero


The knowledge of the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation constitutes an important input for environmental sciences studies, allowing the characterization of the climatic conditions of any area on the Earth's surface. The objective of this research is: Estimate the spatial distribution of precipitation in the province of Cienfuegos in 1991-2020 period. For this, several interpolation methods are compared (Ordinary Kriging, Inverse Distance Weighted and Multiple Linear Regression) and objectively evaluated to know which one presents the best possibilities to achieve the intended objective. It is determined that the Multiple Linear Regression method is the most accurate for estimating the spatial distribution of precipitation in the province of Cienfuegos, showing greater efficiency and lower errors compared to the other two. The spatial interpolation of precipitation using this method allowed obtaining statistically reliable continuous coverage of rainfall in the study period. The altitude shows a significant direct relationship in all the time periods analyzed, while the distance to the coast shows a less clear relationship. The climatic maps of monthly, annual and seasonal precipitation obtained constitute a source of valuable information for decision-making in the socioeconomic activities that are carried out, as well as reference guides for the dissimilar investigations that require data on this variable.


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Barcia SardiñasS., Gómez DíazD., Fuentes RoqueL. B., Viera GonzálezE. Y., Mejías SeibanesL., & Angulo RomeroR. A. (2024). Spatial distribution of precipitation in Cienfuegos province. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(4), Retrieved from
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