Coastal floods in cuban territory, caused by severe meteorological events, during the years 2000-2022

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Ida Mitrani Arenal
Javier Cabrales Infante
Axel Hidalgo Mayo


The meteorological events, identified as generators of coastal floods on the Cuban shore area, are grouped into four types: tropical cyclones, frontal systems, southern winds and combinations of extratropical systems. In the first years of the 21st century, there is an increase in the frequency and intensity of coastal floods that affect Cuban territory, mainly caused by tropical cyclones, between the years 2000-2022, with an average of one flood per year. On the other hand, coastal flooding of any severity, caused by other events, has been rare.  The cases, generated by front systems do not exceed ten and no significant flooding has been reported due to other causes, such as south winds or combinations of extratropical systems. One of the main modulating factors has been the ENSO event, in its negative phase; the predominance of the NIÑA phase and the presence of high ocean temperatures in the Atlantic, have favored the development of hurricanes and their movement to the West side. The shore areas on the western half of the country, stand out as the  most ones affected by coastal floods, especially those surrounding the Gulf of Batabanó and the Havana City, followed by the wide shelf areas south of the central provinces and the northeastern coast, especially the city of Baracoa. From the 1901-2022 chronological series of floods in Havana, selected as the most illustrative, an alternation of increase and depression periods can be seen in the        occurrence of floods from any cause, lasting 25-30 years. At present, an increase period is observed, similar to that recorded in the first half of the 20th century, which could prolonged under the influence of the high sea surface temperature, favorable to the cycle-genesis       activity.


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Mitrani ArenalI., Cabrales InfanteJ., & Hidalgo MayoA. (2024). Coastal floods in cuban territory, caused by severe meteorological events, during the years 2000-2022. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30, Retrieved from
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