Space-time variability of the Yucatan Current during the period 2012-2018 and the influence of the ENSO event (2015-2016)

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Laura Rivero Ordaz
Liliam Arriaza Oliveros
Enrique O. Sánchez Pérez
Gabriela Athié
Yudelsy Carrillo Betancourt
Jose Luis Ochoa de La Torre
Julio Candela Pérez
Julio Sheinbaum
Marcelino Hernández Gonzalez


The Yucatan current flows northward, on the western side of the channel with the same name, which is the only connection between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. In this work, the Yucatan current was characterized and its spatio-temporal variability was estimated using six years (2012-2018) of direct measurements, for which three oceanographic moorings located at this channel and over the Yucatan current path were used. The data series were band-pass filtered to conserve the subinertial frequencies, a statistical analysis was carried out and current roses of 16 courses were obtained. The results found here are complementary with previous research about Yucatan current variability and on regional ocean waters. In addition, average anomalies that indicate a periodicity of approximately two years were found. The monthly anomalies of the speed of the Yucatan current and those of sea surface temperature, obtained from the ONI, were compared during the ENSO event, which presented a strong category (+2.6oC) between: 2015-2016. These variables did not show a direct connection, however, a significant and high correlation above 0.7 was found, which showed an inverse relationship between both series with a lag of 5 or 6 months. This study provides important information about the circulation and dynamic connectivity existing between adjacent waters, as well as the ocean-atmosphere interrelation.


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Rivero OrdazL., Arriaza OliverosL., Sánchez PérezE. O., AthiéG., Carrillo BetancourtY., Ochoa de La TorreJ. L., Candela PérezJ., SheinbaumJ., & Hernández GonzalezM. (2022). Space-time variability of the Yucatan Current during the period 2012-2018 and the influence of the ENSO event (2015-2016). Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(3). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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