Quality control of daily precipitation data in the period 1961-2008

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Idelmis T. González García
Marilee Martínez Alvarez
Laura Gil Reyes
Milena Alpizar Tirzo
Yoandy Alonso Díaz
Meyrelin Bocalandro Palmero
Dunia Hernández González


Quality control of any meteorological variable is essential to develop climate, agricultural and hydrological research, as well as for scientific services. This study aims to carry out and document quality control of daily rainfall data series from the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources in the period 1961-2008. This procedure is performed using the Rclimdex-ExtraQC routine that runs on the R platform. Precipitation amounts greater than 200 mm were grouped by date of occurrence and verified, using the chronologies of meteorological phenomena available from the Institute of Meteorology. To doubtful data not associated with some meteorological event, a consistency analysis was carried out. This analysis consisted of comparing at neighboring rain gauges, if a rainy event was reported or not in days before and after the date they occurred. The results obtained indicated that the percentage of rejected data was only the 4% of all suspects. The highest percent of accepted doubtful data it was associated to tropical cyclones. Eight rain gauges were eliminated, leaving 630 series of precipitation data available for research and services. Finally, it was confirmed that the methodology and tool used is valid for studies of this type.


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González GarcíaI. T., Martínez AlvarezM., Gil ReyesL., Alpizar TirzoM., Alonso DíazY., Bocalandro PalmeroM., & Hernández GonzálezD. (2022). Quality control of daily precipitation data in the period 1961-2008. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(2). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/634
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