Characterization of the reports of severe local storms in Cuba between 1980-2020

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Alis Varela de la Rosa
Yanneyis Rojas-Díaz
Mario Carnesoltas Calvo


Severe local storms are meteorological events that present one or several severe phenomena such as: tornadoes, hail, strong linear winds and waterspouts. These meteorological phenomena are a reality in Cuba every year, causing damage to the economy and society, therefore it is necessary to characterize the Severe Local Storms in the national territory from the records of reports in the period 1980-2020. In the research, the General Weather Statements, prepared daily by the Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology, were reviewed, as well as the Meteorological Notes prepared by the Provincial Meteorological Centers, from which a table of reports was created, with a high degree of reliability. For the study, the distribution of reports by years and months, severity events, province, as well as the combined occurrence of events was analyzed. The results show that Severe Local Storms occur every year in Cuba, with a higher incidence between May and July, which coincides with the rainy period of the year. On the other hand, it was found that the most predominant events are hail and windstorms.


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How to Cite
Varela de la RosaA., Rojas-DíazY., & Carnesoltas CalvoM. (2022). Characterization of the reports of severe local storms in Cuba between 1980-2020. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(2). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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