Elements that intervene in the origin of weak tornadoes in the central region of Cuba

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Flavia Rodríguez Navarro
Alis Varela de la Rosa
Mario Carnesoltas Calvo
José Carlos Fernández Alvarez


The tornadoes are very dangerous phenomenons in local scale, they are classified in supercell tornadoes and non supercell tornadoes. In Cuba, most of the tornadoes are non supercell, becouse they are weak and they have short duration. For to identify the elements that intervene in the origin of the weak tornadoes, two cases of study were selected, they occured the central region of Cuba. The reanalysis data, satellite images, radar observations and Sistema de Pronóstico Inmediato (SisPI) were used for this investigation. SisPI was used to locate the vortexes in the Planetary Border Layer, by means of the absolute vorticity, as well as the thermodynamic origin of those vortexes by means of the solenoidal vector. The results showed that the discontinuity surfaces constitute a primordial element for the development of the vertical vorticity in PBL necessary for the origin of the tornadoes. In addition, the solenoidal vector represents correctly the thermodynamic origin of vortexes in the Planetary Border Layer.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Navarro F., Varela de la RosaA., Carnesoltas CalvoM., & Fernández AlvarezJ. C. (2021). Elements that intervene in the origin of weak tornadoes in the central region of Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(4). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/584
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