Characterization of thunderstorms annual course with present and past weather

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Lourdes Álvarez-Escudero
Israel Borrajero-Montejo
Yanneyis Rojas-Díaz


The knowledge of the yearly periods with higher thunderstorms activity allows to enable proper protection schemes on activities and facilities for the safeguard of both human lives and material resources. The aim of the current work is the characterization of the annual course of the frequency of occurrence of thunderstorms observations and the yearly average of days with storm reports for all meteorological stations in Cuba, based on present and past weather code reports. The information base is, thus, the present and past weather codes reports for 68 stations over the Cuban territory for the period 2005 - 2016. Stations are grouped according to the similarities of their yearly courses by means of a cluster analysis. The average percent of occurrence of thunderstorms observations for all stations shows maximum values of about 20% of all observations in the summer months with absolute maximums for August and September. The yearly courses of percents of occurrence show two main behaviors, one that has its maximum value in July and August, characteristic of the western part of the Country and other with an absolute maximum in September, which is more frequent in the Eastern part. The yearly courses of frequent of observations and number of days with thunderstorm reports are similar, with maximum values in summer between June and September.


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Álvarez-EscuderoL., Borrajero-MontejoI., & Rojas-DíazY. (2020). Characterization of thunderstorms annual course with present and past weather. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(3). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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