An update of the keraunic levels map of Cuba

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Lourdes Álvarez-Escudero
Israel Borrajero-Montejo


Until the period ending in 2010, keraunic levels maps in Cuba were made taking into account only information from present weather code reports, due to the lack of information regarding past weather codes and the bias this could cause in the calculus of parameters. The aim of this work is to characterize the spatial distribution of thunderstorm related variables over the Cuban Territory based on the present and past weather codes reports. The inclusion of past weather reports has caused an increase of 4% on the frequency of observations of storms and 40 days on the keraunic level, with 7 days on the standard deviation. The spatial distribution of the annual number of days with thunderstorms shows maximum values South of Pinar del Río, South central Ciego de Ávila South of Camagüey and at mountain zones of the Easter provinces of the Country.


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Álvarez-EscuderoL., & Borrajero-MontejoI. (2020). An update of the keraunic levels map of Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(2). Retrieved from
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