Study of secondary meteorological variables involved in the diffusion of atmospheric pollutants. Case study of Pinar del Río

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Dagoberto Rodríguez Valdés
Liuben Echevarria Pérez
Almara Sánchez Díaz
Osvaldo Cuesta Santos


This study was carried out in the municipality Pi¬nar del Río in the province of the same name from the year 2006 to 2008, which analyzed the beha¬vior of weather variables, atmospheric stability and mixing-layer height involved in the diffusion of po¬llutants in the atmosphere, the Pasquill and Turner methods were used for its calculation, developed in the Automated Information Management Pollu¬tant (SAGIFC), the meteorological data of the surface were obtained from the provincial meteorological center of Pinar del Rio. The occurrence of atmosphe¬ric stability categories in number of days, months at the analyzed hours for all the period studied, was obtained as a result, the same procedure was perfor-med to determine the different heights of the mixed layer. In conclusion ,the study shows the periods in which the conditions are most appropriate and when are less appropriate for the dispersion of pollutant in the vertical, and proposing as recommendations, the time and seasons of the year in which would be more convenient that the pollutant sources make the most important part in the production activities, without affecting economic plans, and in this way to try to reduce the polluting potential in the studied area and the different implications that could bring to the health of people.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez ValdésD., Echevarria PérezL., Sánchez DíazA., & Cuesta SantosO. (2012). Study of secondary meteorological variables involved in the diffusion of atmospheric pollutants. Case study of Pinar del Río. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 18(1), 31-45. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Liuben Echevarria Pérez

Universidad de Pinar del Río

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