Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector in the province of Cienfuegos in the period 2010 – 2020.

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Dianelly Gómez Díaz
Endris Yoel Viera González
Sinaí Barcia Sardiñas
Lennis Beatriz Fuentes Roque
Miguel Angel Porres García
Leonardo Mejías Seibanes
Raquel Alejandra Angulo Romero
Osmany Chibás Guevara
Enedia Rubio Rodríguez
Carlos E. Villavicencio Pérez


In Cuba, agriculture is responsible for 20% of Greenhouse Gas emissions, making it the second largest emitting sector. This research aims to estimate the Greenhouse Gas emissions in the Agriculture sector in the province of Cienfuegos in the period 2010-2020. The methodologies used were the Guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of 2006. In 2020, the GHG emissions from the Agriculture sector in the province of Cienfuegos were 309.4 Gg CO2eq (representing a 28.9% decrease compared to 2010). Of these emissions, 60.3% corresponded to methane (CH4), 39.5% to nitrous oxide (N2O), and the remaining 0.1% to carbon dioxide (CO2). CH4 emissions amounted to 186.9 Gg CO2eq and mainly came from enteric fermentation of livestock, which contributed 169.0 Gg CO2eq (90.5% of the total). N2O emissions from the sector amounted to 116.9 Gg CO2eq and mainly came from activities related to agricultural soils, with direct livestock excreta in pastures being the subcategory that contributed the most N2O in the province with 81.3 Gg CO2eq, representing 69.6% of the total. Finally, CO2 emissions solely came from the application of urea. The emissions inventory of the Agriculture sector in the province of Cienfuegos is a valuable tool for making local-level decisions, prioritizing mitigation actions and measures in line with national goals, supporting development, as well as implementing and monitoring the impact of such actions.


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Gómez DíazD., Viera GonzálezE. Y., Barcia SardiñasS., Fuentes RoqueL. B., Porres GarcíaM. A., Mejías SeibanesL., Angulo RomeroR. A., Chibás GuevaraO., Rubio RodríguezE., & Villavicencio PérezC. E. (2024). Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector in the province of Cienfuegos in the period 2010 – 2020. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(2), Retrieved from
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