Evaluation of the WRF as a tool to obtain the necessary meteorological data in environmental studies with AERMOD

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Flavia Gutiérrez Muiña
Raulien A Fernández Torres
Jorge Alvarado Cartaya
Elieza Meneses Ruiz
Alina Roig Rassi


To characterize the behavior of the atmospheric contamination in a given area from the AERMOD dispersion model, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the terrain and the weather conditions, the latter being generally obtained at meteorological stations. However, sometimes these data can present problems such as: not being representative of the place, having a high cost or missing data; which has caused numerous attempts to estimate them from numerical models. In the present work, the evaluation of the WRF is carried out as an alternative tool to obtain the necessary meteorological data in environmental impacts studies with the AERMOD dispersion model. To carry out the study, the numerical outputs of the WRF are available for 2 source (Diesel Battery of Cruces and Diesel Generator Sets of Junco Sur) and with the meteorological variables measured at the Cienfuegos station corresponding to the first 10 days of the month of March of 2014. Within the results, we see that the concentrations obtained from modeled data tend to be slightly higher than those obtained from measure data, which does not affect the environmental impact studies, on the contrary, it allows to have a greater be careful when establishing measures or protocols related to maximum admissible concentrations and air quality.


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Gutiérrez MuiñaF., Fernández TorresR. A., Alvarado CartayaJ., Meneses RuizE., & Roig RassiA. (2023). Evaluation of the WRF as a tool to obtain the necessary meteorological data in environmental studies with AERMOD. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(3), https://cu-id.com/2377/v29n3e06. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/781
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