Effect of thermal sensations on cerebrovascular disease in the western region of Cuba. 2001-2012
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Stroke has emerged as a significant health problem in the world. In Cuba, it has been one of the leading causes of death for more than 30 years. The study's objective was to determine the relationship between the behavior of thermal sensations and mortality due to cerebrovascular accidents. An ecological retrospective time-series study of 36,106 deaths from cerebrovascular accidents in the Western region of Cuba during the period 2001-2012 was carried out. The bioclimatic indices Effective Temperature and Equivalent Effective Temperature were calculated to describe the spectrum of thermal sensations. The data on mortality due to cerebrovascular accidents was obtained from the National Directorate of Medical Records and Health Statistics. The behavior of these bioclimatic indices shows a relationship with mortality due to cerebrovascular accidents in other months of the year. In the winter months (November-April), the highest number of deaths is reported under the cool thermal sensation. However, the interior area of the Western region of Cuba showed the highest percentage of cold and very cold thermal sensations. The highest death rates by municipalities are reported in the winter months, more frequently in the cold, fresh and comfortable sensations. The results obtained serve as a basis for the planning of public health interventions to minimize the consequences of adverse temperatures for health and establish preventive measures aimed at reducing the risks of mortality and morbidity in Encephalic vascular accidents.
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