Visibility algorithms forecast evaluation applied to Nowcasting Forecast System

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Pedro Manuel González Jardines
Maibys Sierra Lorenzo
Carlos Manuel González Ramírez


This research evaluate the WRF mesoscale model performance, inner core of SisPI project (Nowcasting System), to forecast a fog/haze event ocurred at January 4th, 2019 on a Cuban west portion. For that 8 empirical algorithms that allow estimate the horizontal visibility was employed, introducing modofications to one of thems. Two initialization times was used, for to evaluate how close or far the forecast is more realistic. The evaluation is made with a mesh-point strategy together a binary event analisys. The fog/haze events was analized combined way, caused by the visibility measurements have an important subjective component. The forecasted fog/haze events was shorter comparing with the observations. The wind field overestimation is considered the main limitant factor for obtain more realistics forecasts and conductive for earlier dissipations. The results suggests that the relative humidity and dew point depression algorithms give more realistics forecast on the study area. In these cases the inclusion of an inibition wind shear factor is conductive to betters forecast.


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González JardinesP. M., Sierra LorenzoM., & González RamírezC. M. (1). Visibility algorithms forecast evaluation applied to Nowcasting Forecast System. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(1). Retrieved from
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