Variability of the tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Cuba

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Nathalí Valderá Figueredo
Cecilia González Pedroso
Ramón Pérez Suárez


In this work it shows up an upgrade of the behavior of the tropical cyclone activity in the north portion of the Atlantic basin during the period 1851-2020 classified by the origin area. Besides was analyzed the distribution of the frequency in every month of the hurricane season, as well as in those months outside the season. It is also examined the tendency of the temporary series and the possible existence of a point of change. Among the years 1851 and 2020 a great variability was observed multi and interannual of the frequency of the tropical cyclones in the Atlantic with a tendency to the increment, given by the increase of the tropical cyclogenesis in the most active trimester, with more than 75% of the cases. The maximum formation’s frequency occurred in September and in the oceanic area of the Atlantic. As average, the seasons started to beginnings of July and finished at the end of October. In Cuba, since 1996 a new period of a great cyclonic activity began, in spite of the non-affectation in the last two years. Between the 2001 and the 2020, Cuba has been affected by 13 hurricanes, 10 of them were major hurricanes.


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How to Cite
Valderá FigueredoN., González PedrosoC., & Pérez SuárezR. (2021). Variability of the tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(4). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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