The types of synoptic situations that influence the western half of Cuba and their relationship with the average wind speed in La Fe, Isle of Youth

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Edgardo Soler Torres
Luis M. Sánchez Suárez
Luis B. Lecha Estela
Yuslandis Verdecia Naranjo


Using the methods of synoptic climatology, with an atmospheric circulation approach to the surface environment, the relationships between the synoptic situations that influence the western half of Cuba and the average daily wind speed at the La Fe meteorological station, Isle of Youth, are established using ten-year periods between 1971 and 2017. The result shows that the multi-year variability of the mean wind speed in La Fe is associated with changes in the frequencies of occurrence of synoptic situations, according to the periods that make up the current epoch of global atmospheric circulation, as well as, in the annual march there are statistical relationships between some specific types of synoptic situations that influence the western half of Cuba and the mean daily wind speed at the La Fe meteorological station. Single period in the year with extreme values of mean daily wind speed above of 10 m/s that occurs between the 22nd and 31st tens of the year (August-beginning of November), where 65% of them are associated with tropical cyclones. Finally, a period of 22 consecutive tens is established in the year, where the influence of the migratory continental anticyclone, as the predominant synoptic situation, determines the existence and seasonality of the wind potential in the Isle of Youth.


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Soler TorresE., Sánchez SuárezL. M., Lecha EstelaL. B., & Verdecia NaranjoY. (2021). The types of synoptic situations that influence the western half of Cuba and their relationship with the average wind speed in La Fe, Isle of Youth. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(3). Retrieved from
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