Energy potential of marine streams in cuban waters

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Ida Mitrani-Arenal
Javier Cabrales-Infante


An analysis of the time-space behavior of marine streams and their energy potential in Cuban waters is presented. The study area is located between 18 - 25° N and 72 - 88° W. As data sources, the GEBCO Atlas bathymetry, the tide tables (1975-2016 period), the thermohaline structure data (1966-2000 period), the archive information about severe events and the HYCOM model for the numerical simulation of ocean circulation, were used. It is appreciated that the ocean stream speed is maintained around low values throughout the year and only in areas of the loop current, in tens of kilometers from the coastline, velocities greater than 1 m/s are observed. The available energy potential reaches up to 2 kWatt/m2 only in a few months, while in the coastal zone, it is the Nipe Bay that shows the greatest potential, of 0.0076-0.49 kWatt/m2 throughout the year.


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Mitrani-ArenalI., & Cabrales-InfanteJ. (2020). Energy potential of marine streams in cuban waters. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(3). Retrieved from
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