Atmospheric externalities associated with the cuban thermoelectric power plants in 2015

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Elieza Meneses Ruiz
Alina Roig Rassi
Diosdado Alonso García
Ernesto Paz Ortega
Jorge Alvarado Cartaya


The present work is an update in the methodologies of estimation of the external costs or atmospheric externalities during the operation of the Thermoelectric Power Plants (TPP) in the country. As a general methodology, was used the Impact Pathways methodology. In each of its stages of the methodology were incorporated new updates. To obtain the pollutants emitted inventory, were also incorporated the Emission Factors obtained from in situ measurements. The SIMPACTS tool carried out the modeling transport of atmospheric pollution. The SIMPACTS current version is better to its previous versions in the step of pollutants transport, because was used the system models CALMET-CALPUFF-CALPOST, which is currently the regulatory model of the EPA to assess the dispersion of pollutants in complex meteorological areas and between 50-300 km from the emission source. This model perfectly fits modeling for the local and regional domain. In addition was carried out, a search and update of Exposure-Response Function values. The most recent and available international studies were used. New health costs and / or updated were estimated, for the effects selected from the most recently studies, including EPA, 2017. The results obtained for the year 2015, show values of externalities between 0.02-0.64 cents CUC/kWh.


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How to Cite
Meneses RuizE., Roig RassiA., Alonso GarcíaD., Paz OrtegaE., & Alvarado CartayaJ. (2020). Atmospheric externalities associated with the cuban thermoelectric power plants in 2015. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(1). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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