Local dispersion of pollutants in the city of Pinar del Río. Model Screen3
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In the city of Pinar del Río there is an important number of stationary sources of high and medium significance, identified according to the NC 39:1999. Conducting a local dispersion modeling of air pollutants from gaseous compounds: particulate sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and (PM2,5 and PM10) generated by these sources in this area is of great importance for studies of air quality, constituting this, the objective of this work. As methodology the Gaussian model Screen3 was applied using a series of meteorological data of five years (2006-2010) obtained from the Provincial Meteorological Center of Pinar del Río and the emissions inventory for 2011. the processing of graphics was performed in Microsoft Excel. The results show that the values of the maximum concentrations estimated by the model for an hour NO2 and SO2 and NO2 in 24 hours exceed several times the maximum admissible concentration (Cma) according to the NC 39:1999. It proposes technological measures to mitigate air pollution.
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