Oil spill modelling with PETROMAR

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Amílcar E. Calzada Estrada
Frank E. Pérez Acuña
Dailín Reyes Perdomo
Reinaldo Casals Taylor


Petromar version 1.2 was conceived as a determi­nistic model to predict oil slick trajectories on deep ocean and offshore, with possibilities to include more complex basins of Cuban insular shelf. Pro­gramming was 80 per cent done by authors, and by means of the BatTri subroutine it was designed twelve regional zones whose initial information was obtained from GEBCO project. The model employs a Lagrangian approach to simulate physical processes that occur inside the oil slick, as spreading, advec­tion, diffusion and shore interaction, taking into account the procedures established in the interna­tional arena. It was used the finite element scheme for numerical modelling, which is distinguished by offering operational advantages and high efficien­cy in calculations. Among its benefits, the applica­tion allows the analysis of any oceanographic and meteorological variables, including the interaction between them; for example, combining the analysis of wave height with oil concentration may ease the choice of response technique to mitigate the impact of the spill. The modelling results are represented graphically in three forms and, simultaneously, the progression of each particle and the mass centre can be saved in numerical files. Results validation was made against NOAA drifters, and the error analysis showed an effectiveness of 92.4 %, which is consi­dered as acceptable.


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How to Cite
Calzada EstradaA. E., Pérez AcuñaF. E., Reyes PerdomoD., & Casals TaylorR. (2018). Oil spill modelling with PETROMAR. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 21(2), 57-69. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/413
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Amílcar E. Calzada Estrada, Instituto de Meteorología

MSc., Centro de Meteorología Marina.

Frank E. Pérez Acuña, Instituto de Meteorología

Ing., Centro de la Informática y las Comunicaciones

Dailín Reyes Perdomo, Instituto de Meteorología

Ing., Centro de Meteorología Marina.

Reinaldo Casals Taylor, Instituto de Meteorología

MSc., Centro de Meteorología Marina.


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