Complex structure of the air thermal regime in Ecuador

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Luis B. Lecha Estela
José L. Santos Dávila
José A. Rodríguez Ruiz


The complex climatology method is applied for the preliminary typing of the thermal regime of Ecuador, using the daily values ​​of maximum and minimum air temperatures from 22 representative meteorological stations of each province and with reliable and standardized data for the period 2009-2014. Using the Max-Min program, the differential analysis of the categories, types and subtypes of the thermal regime in each location is carried out, annually and by month, the days with extreme thermal sensations above and below certain predefined thresholds are determined and grouped. The seasons taking into account the seasonal sequence of the predominant categories of the thermal regime, which allowed us to assess the space-temporary dynamics of the structure of the thermal regime in the country, especially the vertical gradients of each category and the main types. The annual march diagrams of the thermal regime were prepared in the three fundamental regions, separated according to the vertical structure of the maximum - minimum temperature complex, and the relationship between the categories of the thermal regime and the seasonal adaptation pattern of the resident population was analyzed. The results are of applied interest for tourist and recreational activities, human health and agricultural production. Five tables and 14 figures are included that help to better understand the content, as well as facilitate detailed consultation of the methods applied in the process of the original data.


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How to Cite
Lecha EstelaL. B., Santos DávilaJ. L., & Rodríguez RuizJ. A. (2024). Complex structure of the air thermal regime in Ecuador. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 31(1), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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