Precision agriculture: challenges for its implementation in the province of Santiago de Cuba.

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Yindra Zulema Salmon Cuspinera


Population growth and changing dietary regimes are increasing the demand for food, on the other hand, the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and other factors make it possible to reduce agricultural yields. The agricultural future needs climate-friendly technological changes that guarantee food security. Technology is generating changes in agriculture, digital transformation tools have been applied to the so-called precision agriculture, Smart Farm or intelligent agriculture through computer and communications technologies such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), artificial intelligence, Geographic information system and internet of things and highly trained personnel.   Its adoption will depend on physical, economic and human capital. The application of these technologies in our environment is not as obvious as it initially appears. The investigation has as its legal basis the Digital Transformation Policy, Cuban Digital Agenda and Artificial Intelligence Strategies; It is fundamentally aimed at decision makers, policy makers, researchers and producers in the agricultural sector; It constitutes an output of the project "Strengthening the Agrometeorological Early Warning System, creating technological and cognitive capacities" and aims to expose the main tools and technologies that make up Precision Agriculture and the advantages and disadvantages of its introduction in the Cuban agricultural sector. which will enable decision making and optimize the use of resources, reducing production costs and increasing agricultural yields. 


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How to Cite
Salmon CuspineraY. Z. (2025). Precision agriculture: challenges for its implementation in the province of Santiago de Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 31(1), Retrieved from
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