Impact of tropospheric ozone on potato crop under typical synoptic situations in Cuba

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Rachel Martínez Rodríguez
Arnaldo E. Collazo Aranda
Rosemary López Lee


In the research, the influence of tropospheric ozone concentrations on potato crop under types of synoptic situations in San José de las Lajas was evaluated. The ozone concentrations data was obtained from the SILAM Model outputs. The classification of the typical synoptic situations was carried out from the synoptic maps of the Institute of Meteorology. For impact assessment of ozone exposure on potato crop AOT40 index was used. The study covered the period between January 2021 and March 2022. The daily and annual progress of the concentrations of ozone and their behavior under the influence of the typical synoptic situations were obtained. Months with the highest daily average ozone concentrations belonged to the season of lesser rains. The influence of continental migratories anticyclones predominated for the 50% of the total days analyzed. The highest daily ozone average concentrations were assigned to these typical synoptic situations. An increase of the ozone hourly concentrations was observed after frontal zones passed, evidencing transboundary transport of pollutants from US. The obtained correlation between tropospheric ozone concentrations and synoptic situations was from low to moderated level. The estimated potato crop losses for tropospheric ozone exposure were from 14 to 15 ton (4138-3999 USD).


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Martínez RodríguezR., Collazo ArandaA. E., & López LeeR. (2024). Impact of tropospheric ozone on potato crop under typical synoptic situations in Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(4), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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