Estimation and characteristics of the meteor-tropic risk that affects the Cuban population

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Luis B. Lecha Estela
Edgardo Soler Torres
Luis Sánchez Suárez
Surisley Torres Gutiérrez
Luis O. Pichardo Moya
Enardo Pena Alonso


The unfavorable effects of meteorological conditions on the health of the Cuban population are increasing in frequency and intensity, due to the already visible impacts of climate change on Cuba, a problem that demands an evaluation of the vulnerability of the Cuban population to regional dangers. Associated with the meteorological processes that influence the country. An adaptation of the methodology used in Cuba for studies of danger, vulnerability and risk is carried out, applied in this case to the estimation of meteor-tropic risk, based on establishing the baseline of the general daily excess mortality for the period. 2001-2020, as an indicator of the vulnerability of the populations residing in the western and eastern halves of Cuba; to then estimate the danger associated with global and regional synoptic processes that influence those same portions of the territory. It is demonstrated that there is a well-defined relationship between excess mortality and the hazards analyzed, which allowed us to satisfactorily estimate the magnitude of the daily meteor-tropic risk and arrive at a statistical model that facilitates its short-term forecast. The meteor-tropic genesis of the days with the highest excess mortality is verified, both in winter and summer, demonstrating the relevant role that some meteorological processes and conditions have on the health of the Cuban population, a fact that justifies the need for its forecast and mitigation.


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How to Cite
Lecha EstelaL. B., Soler TorresE., Sánchez SuárezL., Torres GutiérrezS., Pichardo MoyaL. O., & Pena AlonsoE. (2024). Estimation and characteristics of the meteor-tropic risk that affects the Cuban population. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(3), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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