Horizontal rainfall behavior in the mountain ecosystem of La Gran Piedra

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Leonel Domínguez Borrero
Melek Campos Sofía
María Teresa Álvarez Balanqué


Cloud forests have high relative humidity associated with horizontal precipitation and temperature. This combination of factors causes the ecosystems to remain permanently humid. Horizontal precipitation is a process by which horizontally moving water droplets come into contact with vegetation. However, little has been researched and disseminated on the behavior of horizontal precipitation in the mountainous zone, because there is no practice in its measurement and collection method, particularly in the mountainous ecosystem of the Gran Piedra. The objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of horizontal rainfall in the period July 2022 - June 2023 and to identify the types of synoptic situations (TSS) that condition the occurrence of fog. For its determination, an equipment was built and a method for its collection was developed. This research contributes to obtain a continuous database for a better knowledge management related to horizontal rainfall and its contribution to reference mountain ecosystems. It was demonstrated that the integrated analysis of climate factors and synoptic patterns allows a better explanation of the occurrence of horizontal rain in the region. This provides valuable information for the planning of reforestation, conservation and development of these ecosystems.


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How to Cite
Domínguez BorreroL., Campos SofíaM., & Álvarez BalanquéM. T. (2024). Horizontal rainfall behavior in the mountain ecosystem of La Gran Piedra. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(2), https://cu-id.com/2377/v30n2e04. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/864
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