Study of the severe weather index in Camagüey

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Eduardo Lauro Estrada Canosa
Dainelaine Navarro Silva
Omar Rodríguez López
Luis E Bisbé Sifontes
Dania Guerra Nordelo
Tamara Gonzales López del Castillo


The present work, analyzes the behavior of the variable and the index employees in the index of severe time, for structures that characterize the Local Severe Storms with flows of north component, northeast and southeast among levels means and high in the county of Camagüey.

The results are the product of the analysis of the reports of obtained TLS of the Air Resource Laboratory, taken place by drops cold superiors and water-course tropical troposféricas like diagnosis projection through the index of severe time, implementing the selection patterns that it propitiates the diagnosis of the local severe storms. 

The results that they show up they have a character innovator starting from the application and analysis of their behavior with the combination of approaches that you/they strengthen each indicator employee in the index whose importance will manifest its impact in the taking of decisions that contribute to its prediction. This justifies in great measure a contribution to the knowledge of the behavior of the different structures that TLS can present in our region, tracing you as objective new forms of solutions to the limitation problems that it presents the indexes of severe time. For the ones exposed, the search of solutions for its possible diagnosis, grants great importance for the Meteorological Cuban Service, obtaining you more efficient results with the diversification in its employment starting from the results obtained with new employment visions, for the analysis and diagnosis.


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Estrada CanosaE. L., Navarro Silva D., Rodríguez López O., Bisbé Sifontes L. E., Guerra Nordelo D., & Gonzales López del Castillo T. (2023). Study of the severe weather index in Camagüey. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(4), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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