Main variations of the temperature and precipitation regimes in the Holguín province. Período 1972-2020

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Graciela Pérez Rivas
Axel Hidalgo Mayo


The main variations of the temperature and precipitation regimes in the Holguín province are presented, in the period 1972-2020. The Cabo Lucrecia, La Jíquima and Pinares de Mayarí meteorological stations were used for the characterization of both variables, representative of the coastal, inland and mountainous areas of the territory, respectively. The analysis of the behavior of the average annual temperature showed a slight upward trend and confirms that the decade 2011-2020 is the warmest of the period studied. In the analysis of the global trend and the points of change, the non-parametric test Mann-Spearman and Pettit tests were used, obtaining as a result an increasing trend in the mean annual minimum temperature on the coast and inland, as well as in the maximum temperature annual average in the mountains. The non-parametric tests yielded the most robust results for June in the case of the average maximum temperature, August for the average minimum temperature in the inland and coastal areas, and the September-October two-month period for the average temperature. Pettit's test suggests the main changes in the 1980s and 1990s. Precipitation did not show a statistically significant trend during the period studied, nor did it show solid results in relation to the existence of a point of change. Contribute to a better understanding of the state of the climate in the province, and are useful in the elaboration of strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change, which contribute to the ¨Life Task¨.


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Pérez RivasG., & Hidalgo Mayo A. (2023). Main variations of the temperature and precipitation regimes in the Holguín province. Período 1972-2020. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(4), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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