Transit of tropical waves through the eastern half of Cuba: period 2012-2020

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Laura Elena Guerra Rodríguez
Evelio Alberto García Valdés
Miguel Ángel Hernández Martínez


Tropical waves are synoptic systems that occur mainly during the months of May to November, and that sometimes stimulate deep convection, and consequently the occurrence of severe local storms and/or heavy rain in Cuba. These meteorological systems are of vital importance due to their incidence in carrying out dissimilar socioeconomic activities, for which reason the objective of this article is to characterize the tropical waves that transited through the eastern half of the national territory from 2012 to 2020. They reviewed the Discussions of Tropical Weather and the Perspectives of Tropical Weather, the general weather statements, the monthly summaries, the rainfall records of the pluviometric network of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, synoptic maps and satellite images, from which they created a database where graphs were processed and built, using Office Excel version 2019. For the study, the distribution of tropical waves was analyzed by year and month, taking into account their translation speed, severity events and/or associated heavy rain. The results show that tropical waves travel through the eastern half every year, with a higher incidence of "normal" and "active" waves between the months of July and August, which coincides with the rainy season. On the other hand, it was found that the most prevalent events are hail and aeroavalanches.


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How to Cite
Guerra RodríguezL. E., García ValdésE. A., & Hernández MartínezM. Ángel. (2023). Transit of tropical waves through the eastern half of Cuba: period 2012-2020. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(2). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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