Behavior of the days with sls reports in the Cuban regions and its relationship with the phases of enso events in the period 1990-2020

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Claudia Espinosa Valdés
Alis Varela de la Rosa
Evelio García Valdés


Severe Local Storms affect the Cuban territory at any time of the year and constitute one of the main variations in climate. These variations seem to be associated with very low-frequency oscillations or cycles in background climatic conditions, within processes of natural climate variability. One of these oscillations is El Niño – Southern Oscillation, which plays an important role as a forcing element in Cuba's climatic variability. Taking into account the above, in this research the objetives are: find the monthly distribution of the Severe Local Stroms in the regions of Cuba, finding the months of greatest severity, as well as its relationship with the phases of the El Niño - Southern Oscillation event and analyze the relationship between the days with reports of Severe Local Storms and the intensity of El Niño - Southern Oscillation phases in the rainy and dry season. Among the materials and methods used are El Niño – Southern Oscillation Index database and the Severe Local Storms reports database. It was shown that the months with the highest occurrence of severe activity coincide with the rainy period of the year and the least active with the dry season, resulting in the months from May to August as those with the highest frequency of Severe Local Storms, highlighting July as the month of maximum severe activity for the west and center and June for the eastern zone. In addition, it was observed that the phase that most favored the occurrence of Severe Local Storms was the Neutral phase of the El Niño – Southern Oscillation event, followed by the warm phase and, to a lesser extent, the cold phase.


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Espinosa ValdésC., Varela de la Rosa A., & García Valdés E. (2023). Behavior of the days with sls reports in the Cuban regions and its relationship with the phases of enso events in the period 1990-2020. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(1). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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