Wind Analysis in the Jimaguayú municipality of the Camagüey province for wind exploitation

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Dayan Arturo Nieves Pérez
Yudisleydis Díaz del Risco
Omar Rodríguez López
Ismael Pomares Ponce
Dainelaine Navarro Silva
Eduardo Lauro Estrada Canosa
Celia Margarita Álvarez Suau
Fernando Mejías LLorca


The direction and speed of the wind were determined over time, as well as at what time of the day wind energy is most used in the Jimaguayú municipality of the Camagüey province, specifically in the La Victoria farm. This work tries to characterize the wind potential in 4 levels of height of the atmosphere to facilitate its energetic exploitation. The data corresponding to the period 1989 - 2018 were studied for the heights of 6, 9, 10 and 12 m in this region and were obtained from the database of the re-analysis of the European Hydrothermodynamic model (ERA-INTERIM), with a spatial resolution of 0.25º x 0.25º, from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). For this, descriptive statistical methods were used, obtaining to know that the greatest wind potential is found between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, at an altitude of 12 m and during the dry season, with the predominant direction of the component East.


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Nieves PérezD. A., Díaz del RiscoY., Rodríguez LópezO., Pomares PonceI., Navarro SilvaD., Estrada CanosaE. L., Álvarez SuauC. M., & Mejías LLorcaF. (1). Wind Analysis in the Jimaguayú municipality of the Camagüey province for wind exploitation. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(3). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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