Estimation of Cuban wind resource: WASP model vs WEST model

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Alfredo Roque-Rodríguez
Yoandy Alonso-Díaz
Rolando Soltura-Morales


Estimating the wind resource of a given site or region for the purpose of generating electricity is essential for the subsequent location of a wind turbine or wind farm. Various techniques are used for this, mostly coupled with physical-mathematical models that allow to obtain a representation of wind potential with high reliability. The Cuban wind resource has been evaluated on several occasions by Cuban specialists using these techniques, the most notable being those obtained through the use of the Wind Atlas and Application Program (WASP) microscale model and the Wind Energy Simulation ToolKit (WEST) model, the latter not fully used for Cuba and for which it was necessary to apply an objective method to reduce errors in the estimate. In this work a comparison is made of the estimates made with both models, especially in obtaining the Average Wind Power Density at 50m above the surface. It is concluded that the issue is not exhausted and that new additional efforts in the field of numerical modeling, accompanied by higher quality data, updated orography and roughness maps, could reveal new areas with wind resource of interest and confirm those already found.


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Roque-RodríguezA., Alonso-DíazY., & Soltura-MoralesR. (2020). Estimation of Cuban wind resource: WASP model vs WEST model. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(4). Retrieved from
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