Cienfuegos, Fidel and tropical cyclones

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Adrián Millán del Valle


The city of Cienfuegos, known by many as "The beautiful city of the sea" or the "Pearl of the South" with a peaceful bay pride of its inhabitants, with its countless historical sites, patrimonial installations and emblematic places, close to its 200th anniversary Founded devotes considerable efforts in its restoration and beautification. This review aims to describe the main effects of Hurricane Michelle on patrimonial installations and emblematic places in the city of Cienfuegos, as well as to refer to the presence of the leader of the Cuban Revolution in Cienfuegos associated with the scourge of two important tropical cyclones such as Lili and Michelle. The damages and destruction caused in the infrastructure of the emblematic institutions of the city due to hurricane Michelle and other tropical cyclones have been soluble to the extent of the economic possibilities, but its habitants keep in their memories unforgettable memories of all the affectations.


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How to Cite
Millán del ValleA. (2019). Cienfuegos, Fidel and tropical cyclones. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 25. Retrieved from


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