Chronology of coastal flooding by penetration of the sea, in the Cienfuegos province

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Virgilio Alberto Regueira Molina
Sinaí Barcia Sardiñas


The creation of a network of volunteer observers is presented for the first time, to estimate the state of the marine surface under the occurrence of extreme weather events in the Cienfuegos province. The chronology of the floods occurred in the province is made, as well as the classification of them. To this end, the methodology for the study of coastal floods in Cuba is used; developed within the National Project "Procedure for the execution and use of the observations of the state of the marine surface from coastal stations, in the prediction of the swell and coastal floods in Cuban territory". Information sources included provincial and national press reports, documents from the Provincial Historical Archive, historical data from the Provincial Meteorological Center, testimonies from settlers from different coastal areas, as well as the chronology of tropical cyclones from the Institute of Meteorology and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is reliably concluded that the coastal floods in Cienfuegos have occurred on seven occasions and are produced by the direct impact of tropical cyclones that come from the Caribbean at its highest stage, the hurricane. This information is made available to scientific research to improve the anticipated knowledge of the favorable conditions that could cause flooding in the lower areas of the Cienfuegos coast. It is recommended the use of the results achieved, in the operative work of the Center of Marine Meteorology of the Institute of Meteorology and the Provincial Meteorological Center, in the local forecast of these meteorological events and with the purpose of mitigating to the maximum, the dangers that could originate in the coastal zone.


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How to Cite
Regueira MolinaV. A., & Barcia SardiñasS. (2019). Chronology of coastal flooding by penetration of the sea, in the Cienfuegos province. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 25. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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