Tropospherics Synoptics Patterns associated cold fronts of the west Cuban

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Ailyn Caridad Justiz-Águila
Cecilia González-Pedroso


In this study, a synoptic weather character on cold fronts (FF) that affected the western region Cuban, during the months of December, January and February, was realized.  A total of 65 covered winter seasons between the years from 1950 until 2015, were analyzed. The behavior tropospheric of these winter systems, associated features, as well as the different circulation patterns when they influence western Cuban archipelago, was determined. The results obtained show as well as the relationship between the cold fronts that affect Cuban in winter, with its own characteristics as weather systems that respond to the interaction of the extratropics with the low latitudes, its weather behavior that provides a better understanding of the structure tropospheric and contributes to the effectiveness in weather forecasts to them associated. It was determined, among other features that the month of January is the greatest contribution of cold fronts in the quarter, highlighting the 1976-1977 season as the greatest contribution to the total sample, with a maximum of 20 FF for the months of study, while the lowest was only 6 FF in seasons 1988-1989 and 2011-2012. Update the synoptic climatology of winter systems which developed, this framework allows patterns may be applied in the studies of variability climate and contribute to a better understanding anomalies circulations in the tropospheric levels. In the synoptic medium pattern found, are present the flow of features circulation associated with the polar trough and the subtropical anticyclone of the Atlantic.


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How to Cite
Justiz-ÁguilaA. C., & González-PedrosoC. (2018). Tropospherics Synoptics Patterns associated cold fronts of the west Cuban. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(2), 159-174. Retrieved from
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