Favorable conditions for the development of tornadoes in the western provinces of Cuba during the rainy and dry season

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Alis Varela de la Rosa
Mario Carnesoltas Calvo


Considering the limited knowledge we have of tornadoes in Cuba, this research has as main objective to identify the differences between the conditions of tornadoes formation during rainy seasons and dry seasons. In order to do this, reports of tornadoes in the database of the Meteorological Institute of Cuba (INSMET) were used and the synoptic settings prevailing in the pressure and geopotential height variables in the levels of surface were analyzed such as, 850, 700, 500 and 200 hPa. It was also investigated the behavior of the CAPE, CIN and thermodynamics indexes, synoptic-scale relative vorticity, and the distribution of relative humidity as well as some characteristics obtained by radar and satellite images. It was found a variety of values and configurations that can influence the formation and occurrence of tornadoes in this area, and apparently does not require high values of thermodynamic instability to its genesis, as there are dynamic conditions that may be involved in its development. It was also found marked differences between the formation of tornadoes between the dry season and rainy, where apparently the genesis of weak tornadoes (or low intensity ones), seems to be related to the advancement of the sea breeze front and interactions generated storms in a fund summary moderately unstable and not intensely unstable environments, playing a major role vorticity transferred by the mechanisms of interaction between storms and not the summary provided by the environment.


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How to Cite
de la RosaA. V., & CalvoM. C. (2017). Favorable conditions for the development of tornadoes in the western provinces of Cuba during the rainy and dry season. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 23(3), 312-327. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/248
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