Published: 2014-01-05


Dr. Orlando Lázaro Rodríguez González


Analysis of long series of current weather state codes at stations in Cuba

Dr. Lourdes Álvarez Escudero, Dr. Israel Borrajero Montejo, Lic. Maydes Bárcenas Castro


The temperature humidity index and heat stress on dairy cattle in Güáimaro

Lic. Albeht Rodríguez Vega, Ing. Ayamir M. Agramonte Almanza, Téc. Iomaris Pérez Abraham


Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen main compounds in tropical forests, La Palma, Cuba

Dr. Osvaldo Cuesta Santos, Dr. Antonio Wallo Vázquez, Dr. Rosemary López Lee, Lic. Ángel Maren


Influence of atmospheric contamination on bronchial asthma in Regla municipality. Enviromental costs associated

Lic. Gleidys C. Marcelo García, Dr. Carlos Gómez Gutiérrez, Dr. Antonio Wallo Vázquez


Procedure for marine forecasts and estimation of sea state in Holguin province

Lic. Axel Hidalgo Mayo, MSc. Jorge Proenza Velázquez, MSc. José E. Piña Silva, Lic. Graciela Pérez Rivas


The Spatial Distribution of the Local Severe Storms in Cuba

Lic. Yinelys Bermúdez Souza, Dra. Gisell G. Aguilar Oro, Dr. Antonio Wallo Vázquez


Verification of North Atlantic tropical cyclone activity forecast for 2013

Dra. Maritza Ballester Pérez, Dra. Cecilia González Pedroso, Dr. Ramón Pérez Suárez
