Published: 2013-07-03

Modelling of the dispersion of air pollutants emitted by Antillana de Acero

Lázaro R. Batule Águila, Osvaldo Cuesta Santos, Alejandro Adonis Herrera G.


Synoptic patterns linked to heavy rain triggered floods in Baracoa municipality

Arisleidys Peña de la Cruz, Aldo S. Moya Álvarez, Ricardo Delgado Téllez, Camilo Hernández Quíala, Akira Machado Fuentes, Enrique Perigó Roman, Liena Beltrán Vicente


Estimation of cloud cover on Cuba

Gabriel Trujillo Sánchez, Maritza Ballester Pérez, Elier Pila Fariñas, Maibys Sierra Lorenzo


Environmental management of microwave radiated by weather radars. Its effects in Human Heath.

María Marlen Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Jorge Luis Santana Romero, Orlando Lázaro Rodríguez González, Leonardo Lino Fernández Suárez, Yoanni Sarmiento Arias, Redner Licea Vera


Brief summary of the 2011-2012 winter season

Cecilia González Pedroso, Gustavo Estévez Ledón
